Nova RES is your reliable partner for exceptional wind turbine installation and service
solutions across the globe.
Our skilled team customizes services to meet project-specific needs, ensuring
maximum efficiency and top-quality results.
The first installation of the Delta 3900 Nordex turbine in Turkey has been successfully completed. This installation occurred in Suhut, Afyon, at an a...
The Karacabey Wind Farm is situated in the Calbayır-Çataltepe region of the Karacabey district in Bursa. With an average electricity productio...
76.5 MW Yuzhne Energy Wind Power plant started back in 2020, and was fully commissioned in August 2021. Yuzhne Energy WPP is located near the town of...
The installation phase at Oulainen, located in the municipality of Oulainen in the Northern Ostrobothnia region, has successfully concluded.The projec...